To be able to join raids in DoDh EVERYONE has to complete the following:
Introduction: The end game zone for Depths of Darkhollow is Demi-Plane of Blood. It's an instanced, raid version of Dreadspire Keep. Raiders will ALL need to complete this page's portion of progression to become flagged for Dreadspire Keep. The remaining requirements will be facilitated through additional progression to complete the Monocle of Blood (100% required for Demi-Plane access.) Following, progression for Demi-Plane will require five "Blood" raids. The blood raids complete the actual flagging for Demi-Plane, but this step can be 85/15'd. Backflag items are available regularly from Demi-plane bosses, and speculatively, may also drop from blood raids on Mischief; similarly to Anguish Seals dropping from MPG.
Traveling to zones in Depths of Darkhollow can be achieved in three ways; the Guild Hall portal to Undershore, Druid and Wizard ports to Undershore, and zoning into Corathus Creep via Nektulos Forrest. It is highly, highly recommended to have a source for levitation for ease of travel throughout these zones. That said, Depths of Darkhollow zones, especially Stoneroot Falls and the Hive have confusing Z axis limits.
Scavenger Hunting (Everyone)
Starting Zone: Corathus Creep
NPC: Treddlehoop
Task: Scavenger Hunting
Requirements: 3 Group Members
Request the task from Treddlehoop in Corathus Creep. This is a shared task that will credit the group with completion.
Step 1: Go to Undershore, then zone in to Ruins of Illsalin: Loot 1 Shiliskin Tentacle Cluster from mobs containing "illsalin" in the Southwest rooms above the undead arena.
Step 2: Go toStoneroot Falls: Loot 2 Chopping Blades from a Deep Orc in the West most platforms.
Note: While in Stoneroot Falls, loot "Cicero's Torn Notebook" off any drachnid enemy in the South before proceeding. You will need this item a little later in progression. Common drop.
Step 3: Go to the Hive using the Southern most zone in within Stoneroot Falls. While in the Hive: Loot 1 Drachnid Silk Gland from level 72+ drachnids in the Hive. These are inside the actual hives, not on the ground below. You can levitate up the Eastern wall until the zone barrier disappears. When you can freely move beyond the zone barrier, you can head West to the hive paths safely.
Step 4: Return to Treddlehoop in Corathus Creep. Turn in both Chopping Swords, the Shiliskin Tentacle Cluster, and the Drachnid Silk Gland to complete the task and receive: Treddlehoop's Signature Monocle.
Dreadspire Keep Access (Everyone)
Deserting the Ranks (Hard)
Starting Zone: Undershore
NPC: Zahn
Task: Deserting the Ranks (Hard)
Requirements: 3 Group Members. You must request the (Hard) version of this task.
Notes: The group can begin heading here while the requestor is getting the mission. You can wait for the task if you think you may need to train in.
Step 1: Go directly South to the Ruins of Illsalin. Once in the Ruins of Illsalin, go South around the central pillar to the Northeast most instance zone in. Use levitate to stay above the water line and invis (though many enemies see invis) while considering enemies to safely arrive at the instance zone in.
Step 2: Beware: A false floor exists at the entrance to the zone. Use your maps. Once inside the instance, find "an ornate chest." It is visible without a name label on magic elf maps. Once you loot the key, make your way South to the Guardian of the Pit. He hits decently and rampages. Once you dispatch him, you can put the key on your cursor, zoom into first person and press the "u" key to open the door. The key will disappear, and your entire party must entire the South room. It will lock after the event starts. Possible ornate chest locations on the map below.
Step 3: Emperor Draygun will begin his roleplay. He's targetable but will not be live for this event. He will wander the room and raise fallen shiliskin legionnaires. The person who pulled the instance must turn in the mantle (looks like cloth veil) to one of the targetable, but inactive legionnaire "corpses." After 3-4 single legonnaire kills, Emperor Draygun will raise a final round of 3 enemies. One will be the Captain. You must loot the Shiliskin Captain's Insignia before exiting the zone. Do not drop the task.
Step 4: The person who looted the Shiliskin Captain's Insignia must return to Zahn in Undershore to turn it in. Everyone in the task will receive a Golden Shiliskin Tentacle Ring. You can add people to this task all the way until this final turn in.
The Lost Gnomes (68+)
Starting Zone: Corathus Creep
NPC: Mazile Hibbnap
Task: The Lost Gnomes (68+)
Requirements: 3 Group Members. You must request the (68+) version of this task.
Step 1: Go to Undershore, then Stoneroot Falls, then the Southern most entrance to the Hive. The Z axis is wonky in the falls, but you can levitate safely to the zone line.
Step 2: See below map. Once in the Hive, use levitate to run up the Eastern zone barrier until you pass the barrier. Then, run West to the paths the lead to the individual hives. The second hive from the left will be entered, go up one level, and follow the path back to your instance. Take caution. This zone can be unforgiving. Some see invis and traps exist in the hives. Clear from the path if you need to. The green path on the map is the safest means to travel.
Step 3: Once in the instance, kill enemies to clear areas around the targetable cocoons in the zone. You can use /open on the cocoons. Either an enemy, a gnome, or nothing will spawn from the cocoons after being opened. If a gnome spawns, target it, say "follow" and take it back to the zone in. It will despawn, and your task counter will increase. You need to rescue four gnomes to complete this mission. Your group will receive a Gold and Platinum Twined Necklace.
The Lost Notebook (68+)
Starting Note: The groupmember requesting this task must first see the mechanical spider, Model XG CVIII, next to Brovil and turn in Cicero's Torn Notebook or Brovil will not speak to you. The notebook can be found off Drachnids in the Southwest portion of Stoneroot Falls.
Starting Zone: Corathus Creep
NPC: Brovil Pallivineg
Task: The Lost Notebook
Requirements: 3 Group Members. You must request the (68+) version of this task.
Note: This is also the 69.1 spell mission
Step 1: Travel through Corathus Creep to Undershore, Undershore to Stoneroot Falls. Once in Stoneroot Falls, the instance will be on the Southern side of the zone heading West towards the Drachnid town. The instance will be on the North wall outside of the town.
Step 2: Once in the instance, begin killing every enemy. They will drop sections's of Cicero's Notebook labeled one through nine. It's important to loot these from the window quickly, as it seems you can get duplicates to drop while a section is still in the advanced loot window. They are droppable, so you can trade them to the task requestor. Once you have all nine, the person who requested the task can combine them in Cicero's Notebook to finish the task.
Step 3: Upon mission completion, you will receive a Spectacular Image Enhancing Prism.
Turn in to Treddlehoop
Zone: Corathus Creep
NPC: Treddlehoop
Task: None
Requirements: All individuals must complete this turn in.
Give Treddlehoop your Spectacular Image Enhancing Prism, the Gold and Platinum Twined Necklace, the Golden Shiliskin Tentacle Ring, and Treddlehoop's Signature Monocle to receive Treddlehoop's Wonderful Monocular Seeing Device. You are now complete with Dreadspire Access.
Travel to Undershore, through Stoneroot Falls, to the Hive. Once in the Hive, use levitate to travel to the West most hive, go all the way up the ramp inside, and click on the wooden door. Welcome to Dreadspire.
A very convenient, but ultimately unnecessary step is to kill any enemires in Dreadspire Keep until you loot a Formal Dinner Invitation. This item will flag you for an alternate entrance to Dreadspire from Stoneroot Falls that is much less a pain in the ass than traveling through the Hive.
Memories Lost (Everyone)
Zone: Dreadspire Keep
NPC: Doorman
Task: Memories Lost
Requirements: 3 members. You must get the task before killing Keleborn. One turn in flags the entire group. You can task add people up to the final turn in.
Zone into Dreadspire Keep. Most of this zone will be indifferent to you, but almost everything will assist eachother once aggro'd. The map below shows a red x where KOS skeletons are. You can IVU past them to get to the rest of the zone.
Step 1: Travel to the Northen part of the zone. You will click the door to be ported into the main castle.
Step 2: Travel through the foyer, past the ball room, to the Northern most room to the Doorman.
Step 3: Select the Doorman, and type "who is the master?" Follow the quest prompts. They will eventually go to where your tells are received. The task requesting phrase will be "will help"
Step 4: Travel back down towards the castle entrance. You'll click the door leading to the South Spire, not back down to the Southern path.
Step 5: Once you click into the South Spire, enemies will begin to con KOS to you - starting with the Orcs at the door at the bottom of the spiral. Travel down the spiral, you can jump down if you have high frames (Don't 200k yourself). Click the door to be ported to Keleborn's area.
Step 6: Kill Keleborn Redwave. Keleborn and his aids are not KOS, but this aids will assist other enemies and he will assist his aids. This area will more than likely be clear on expansion open as it is a chokepoint for progression that every raider on the server must complete. He casts a 5.5k Lifetap that's -500 chromatic, and a targeted AE -150 Poison. He also can have a 250pt DS and Haste on that should be dispelled.
Step 7: Loot the Daily Log and return to the Doorman. You can task add all the way until this final turn in. This task will be the largest choke point for individual progression. I would ask members who have box crews to work with inviduals to complete this task for the guild. You can be anywhere in EverQuest and receive credit for completing this task.
This completes your individual progression!