CH rotation delays for velious + Luclin

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Joined: Tue Apr 16, 2019 10:18 am

CH rotation delays for velious + Luclin

Tue Aug 20, 2019 6:25 pm


Temple of Veeshan ................Pause*......Resists

Doze ................................30/45 ................ Updated
Ikatiar the Venom........T1..........30.............none (30 with 3 clerics worked fine)
Eashen of the Sky........T1..........25.............Fire & Cold - Alot of AoE
Lord Feshlak................T1..........25 / 45........Fire & Cold - Updated to MOTM
Dagarn the Destroyer...T1..........25/ 45........Fire - Alot of damage pre slow, not so much slowed
Lord Kreizenn...............T1..........30............. Fire - MOTM
Lord Koi'Doken.............T1..........30/45....Cold - MOTM
Lady Mirenilla...............T1..........25/ 45.......Magic - MOTM
Zlexak.........................T1..........25/ 45......Disease - MOTM
Cekenar.......................T1..........25/ 45.......Magic - MOTM
Sevelak........................T1..........25/ 45.......Magic - MOTM
Jorlleag........................T1...........25/ 45 ......Cold/ Dispel - MOTM
Lady Nevederia.............T1...........40......Magic - Range is an issue, if enough Clerics in Rotation needs extended Range! Long fight, damage output not bad.
Lord Vyemm.................T1...........DivineL.....Magic
Vulak'Aerr....................T1...........30......Magic - Need a perma Patcher on Flurrys!
Lendiniara the Keeper...............30 .................. Magic - Max Shrink and we can stand hiden at the stairs
Telkorenar .............................30...............

Sontalak -------------------------------DL............... Fear so running with DL, Dispells Tank full, First buff Dispell on Rest!
Klandicar...............................DL................ Have Low Damage outburst

Zlandicar...........................DL......................... - Damage is a Joke

Sleepers Tomb...................... Pause.......Resists

Prognitor ....................... 40 ................................ - MOTM
Master of the Guard.......T1.........No CH Rot............ 1 Cleric can Solo heal, with a CH now and then
Final Arbiter..................T1.........No CH Rot ............ 1 Cleric can Solo heal, with a CH now and then
Kildrukaun the Ancient......T1.........50............Magic - - Very Low Damage Output
Tjudawos the Ancient.....T1.........50............Magic - Very Low Damage Output
Vyskudra the Ancient....T1.........50............Fire - Very Low Damage Output
Zeixshi`Kar the Ancient........T3.........30...... - Nasty DD

Kael Drakkal.........................Pause........Resists

Derakor the Vindicator....T1........30.............- 5/4 Clerics on CH rest on Patch!
Statue of Rallos Zek........T1........20/40.............-
King Tormax...................T2........30............ - If Tank def disc is down go down delay to 25
Avatar of War.................T2.....................- 1 Line CH Chain, cast when you see your name!
Idol of Rallos zek......................20/40.............

Dain.....................................DL............- Will be alot of Tank swapping

Skyshrine..............................Pause...... .Resists

Lord Yelinak...................T2........DL/CH on will............ Magic/ Cold - Got very low Damage output. Need to run in and out to avoid AoE!

Plane of Growth

Tunare....................15........................ Heavy DD spike damage

Plane of Fear 2.0

CT .......................DL..................... - Fears Tank, Alot of Tank switches! Dain on Drugs


Griegs..................................Pause..... ...Resists

Grieg...........................T1.........80..... ........Magic

Ssraetha Temple...................Pause........Resists

Creator......................T1...........35/ 70.......cure curse
Arch Lich....................T1...........17/30.............Disease
High Priest..................T3...........25/ 35.......Magic
(*HP needs update with CH line*)

Glyphed.....................T1...........35....... ......Magic
Exciled.......................T1...........25..... ........?

The Deep..............................Pause........Res ists

Burrower Parasite.........T3..........20/ 35......-

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