Kauf-Historie für Necklace of the High Moon
![]() Necklace of the High Moon
Lore Item No Trade Slot: NECK AC: 67 Skill Add DMG: Kick +22 STR: +32+4 DEX: +39+3 STA: +12+5 CHA: +33+4 WIS: +30+4 INT: +30+4 AGI: +30+3 HP: +695 MANA: +680 ENDUR: +680 SV FIRE: +40 SV DISEASE: +40 SV COLD: +40 SV MAGIC: +40 SV POISON: +40 Attack: +40 HP Regen +3 Mana Regeneration: +4 Clairvoyance: +3 Spell Damage: +6 Heal Amount: +3 Required level of 80. Effect: Improved Parry / Block V (Worn, Casting Time: Instant) Focus: Prismatic Revival VII WT: 0.7 Size: SMALL Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST BER Race: ALL Slot 1, Type 8 (General: Raid) Slot 2, Type 3 (General: Spell Effect) Source: everquest.allakhazam.com Refresh Item |
2023/07/26 0 2 4 6
Droprate Main
Necklace of the High Moon 0% | |
Andere Items 100% |
Andere Items 100%
Datum | Käufer | Raid | Itempool | Wert |
26.07.23 | Ballrog | Hourly DKP | Main | 5.00 |
... 1 Einträge gefunden |